Monday 30 August 2010

Today on LK Blog: Gingie tackles the Insomnia Dialema

Huzzah! Fresh blood!
Welcoming to the stage a new contributor, Gingie, in a strangely connected post to the Blog's last post.

As I stare at my facebook screen, wide awake, I wonder if insomnia can drive you crazy.
Why can’t I get to sleep?!

I’ve tried everything.
I’ve arranged my sock drawer.
I’ve watched repeats of failblog videos.
I’ve read, and re-read, the prologue in Twilight.
I’ve counted pterodactyls.
I’ve named my stuffed animals.
I’ve talked to my gnome collection.
I've counted t-rex's.
I've listened to all my iPod songs. Twice.
I've eaten raw cookie dough.
I've eaten cheese; reverse pschology doesn't work. AT ALL.
I've cried at Titanic.
I've re-enacted Star Wars.
I've dressed up as Captain Jack Sparrow.
I've dressed up as Michael Jackson.
I've dressed up as Shrek.
I've dressed up as a Pritt Stick.
It’s so late, even my hamsters are asleep. And hamsters are nocturnal.
What do I DO?!

I even downloaded an app that helps you go to sleep.  
“As you listen to me now, you will start to feel sleepy. The music that is playing along with my calming voice will slowly relax you. Your senses are dulling as unconsciousness draws you in. The familiar surroundings of your room should help you drift of to the land of nod. “

I’ve even looked up why I could be having this problem. One website says that trying to fall asleep is why you can’t sleep. Well that makes perfect sense.
Another is that you can spend too much time in bed. That, um, doesn’t apply to me. It’s not like I get up at 2pm everyday or anything…
One tip for helping with insomnia is not to have any bright lights in your room. Computers don’t count do they?

In the meantime you can watch this cute video of a hamster. Which is, unlike my hamsters, awake.

Well, anyway, I’m going to randomly stumble across the internet hopefully falling into sleepy land.

Night. Um, I mean, Morning. 

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