Saturday 11 September 2010

Today on LK Blog: Twitter TT Watch - News Analysis

Que hora es, bloggers?

Today being the 11th of September, the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the USA, so the Top Trending Tweets on twitter are scattered with #God Bless America, #Twin Towers and #Never Forget.

In case you have been living under a rock, you've probably heard about this guy.

And this book

And what he wants to do with it.

Yep, this is the story of the American pastor Terry Jones, who wanted to make Burn a Koran Day in his church in Gainesville, Florida. 
Despite pretty much everyone in the world telling him not to be a total idiot, including General David Patreaus, the US Military big cheese and the Archbishop of Canterbury , he insisted on continuing his slightly messed up fete plans, ignoring the risk of anger form the worldwide Islamic community, specifically in Afghanistan, where, lets face it, things aren't to hot at the moment.  

Thankfully, Jones called off the event today because, according to what he told NBC, God was telling him to stop, and left the families of the victims to a peaceful day. By God he probably meant President Barack Obama, who also told him to stop being a dingbat.

So why did Jones want to chuck a couple of Qurans in a bonfire?

Controversy has risen over the last few days over the planned placement of a mosque near to Ground Zero, the location  of the Twin Tower 9/11 attacks and today's memorial service.
Many found this decision untasteful and insulting, demanding that the mosque be moved to another location.

Perhaps its worth taking this opportunity to point out that 63 Muslims died in the 9/11 attacks, and doubtless hundreds will work in the new World Trade complex that is currently under construction. 
I'm sure you know this already, and you're sick of hearing this, but Islamic terrorists are an incredibly small proportion of all Muslims, who condemn their acts of terror the same way we do.
Suddenly, it seems that the remembrance of 9/11 and everything associated with the World Trade Center has become exclusively Christian. This just doesn't seem fair. 
The muslims that will work at the World Trade Center need somewhere to worship near their offices the same way Christians and Jews may need a Church or Synagogue. 
We recognize that the terrorists responsible for 9/11 were Muslims. This does not mean all Muslims rejoice in the idea of terror.

Prejudiced Americans need to grow up, or run the risk of insulting more Muslims that change their favour towards malicious groups and activities.

Rant over, may our thoughts be with the families of the victims of the attacks.

Terry Jones picture courtesy of BBC NEWS

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