Saturday 28 August 2010

Today on LK Blog: The Night of 27th to 28th August 2010 - the Night the Nation couldn't sleep?

Good evening, bloggers.

It seems that last night, the 27th to the 28th, the people of the UK, as an entity, could just not nod off.
I could. Slept like a baby in ruhipnol*. But it seems a majority couldn't.

Social Networking sites such as Facebook were buzzing with unnatural nocturnal activity; status updates reading 'Why cant I Sleep?' plastered Walls and News Feeds. 'Cant Sleep' became a Top Trend on Twitter.

But why did this happen?
The LK Blog presents some possible explanations.

  1. An evil Lithuanian genius switched around everybody's body clocks as a protest for the rise in peanut butter prices in his country: the direct result of David Cameron's baby being born in Cornwall this week.
  2. Gordon Brown, still bitter from his ousting, has followed through on his vow to plant a virus that encourages insomnia in the water taps of Britain as an act of revenge on his hateful public
  3. A conspiracy perpetrated by The LK Blog to keep the public staying up all night waiting for posts that come every three weeks or so by playing a frequency through the bloggers speakers.
  4. A result of incessant use of technology (yes, that means posting on Twitter or Facebook when sleep dosent come) I may not actually be bull****ing.

Sleep tight bloggers...

Youtube of the Day

Oh snap! I'm not gonna be able to sleep now...

* Or a log after a long day.

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome ;) That arm breaking thing is just damn freaaky D:


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