Friday 14 May 2010

Today on LK Blog: Lets all Hate Gordon Brown


It seems that Parliament has resolved itself, we see Brown resigned and David Cameron for the Conservatives as the new Prime Minister, with Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems alongside in No.10.
Big Yay.
That wasnt supposed to be sarcastic.

But what's the deal with everyone hating Gordon Brown? If I asked this to any group of people from anywhere in the country, I'm sure I would get very, very similar answers.
"He's the worst Prime Minister England has ever had"
"He's an idiot"
"He led the country into recession"
"You see that broken window? That was PERSONALLY Gordon Brown. And I'm pretty sure that the fact that it is raining today is his fault, too."

Keep Reading

And now I ask you this question. Is this YOUR opinion? Because if so, have it, that's the glory of free speech. Or is this SOMEONE ELSE'S opinion? Is this the opinion of your parent's, or your friend's, or is it your and your parent's and friend's opinion that is a direct derivitive of the general media? If so, then I'm not surprised that you are anti-Brown.
This general consensus is that Gordon Brown is an ass, because the media says so, because... he's ugly?
The way I see it, Brown has done a pretty good job of wading through the mess of a world that was the last few years. Just because bad things happen, it dosent neccesarily mean that they are his fault.

Im not an expert, but I can fairly say that no, he most probably isn't the worst Prime Minister. He's definitlety not an idiot. I bet you one morning he didnt decide that the was going to put the country in massive debt for funsies.
And I can't say whether he broke that window. But he didnt make it rain. That's just bitchy. And look, at this time of writing [19:11], its lovely and sunny outside. After Brown resigns. Didnt think about that one.

But isn't it just a little bit scary that the massive bulk of joint media can affect the opinion of so many people?

Sorry to interupt your reading of The Sun. As you were.

Oh look, a man falling of a skateboard. And then hitting himself in the face.


That wasn't supposed to be sarcastic either.


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