Friday 30 April 2010

Today on LK Blog: The Final Debate: I Sit Through it so You dont Have to.

Ok everyone, hands up for those of you that watched watched the Debate last night. Okay, a few hands there. Who watched all of it? Okay, a few less, a few less. Who actually cares?


See, I was expecting that answer, so I took the liberty of sitting through the whole hour and a half to give you the highlights.
As a public speaker myself, I'll also be giving my opinion on the presentation of each leader. Look for the coloured sections (Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democrats, or All).

And remember the LK Blog's tagline:
'Because Amateur Punditry is the Best Punditry'

With that fresh in our minds, let us begin!

Leader Guide

David Cameron - Conservatives

Assumed leader of the opposition 6 December 2005
Member of Parliament for Witney
Born 9 October 1966 (1966-10-09) (age 42)


Gordon Brown - Labour

Became Prime Minister in June 2007, after the resignation of Tony Blair
born 20 February 1951, Scotland

Nick Clegg - Liberal Democrats

born 7 January 1967
leader of the Liberal Democrats since 18 December 2007
MP for Sheffield


The BBC's hosting of the third televised debate was slick. the Background was as pink as the flowers on presenter David Dimbleby's tie.


Cameron was the clear winner here, his message was strong and he was a less annoying than previous debate

Next it was Nick Clegg, but I couldnt help think it was a pale imitation of what David Cameron said.

Brown did a good job of bouncing back from the day before's bigotted gaffe.

First Question - Spending Cuts

Cameron starting to get a little too idealistic here. Brown is takling the issue head on and hitting the facts. That makes him the winner of this question.

Less bashing of other leaders so far

Gordon shaking his head is really quite annoying; there are other ways of phyically showing your disagreement! and I mean this is proper left-right-left-right shaking. Dizzy yet?

The way Clegg addresses the camera is a little disconcerting. Calm down - you only 'won' the first one

And Gordon, WTF is UP with your smile? PLEASE stop doing it, it scares the children.
In fact, it reminds me of a certain meme.

Second Question - Tax

Bit more bashing here.
Clegg wants to cut loop holes and stop tax of first £10,000, putting the money back in your pocket.

Please stop waving your hands around, Nick. Who are you, Andrew Marr?

Cameron is trying to turn the question to Afghanistan, but largely fails. Surprising that this didnt actually pop up in this debate.

Torys promise to keep benefits after a Bash from Brown that said that the Torys were scrapping them

Clegg is doing a good job of pushing himself above the bickering of Cameron and Brown in this question.

Cameron is threatening that the UKs economy will be like Greece's under Labour in the future. Ouch.

Third Question -Banks

Clegg promises no bonuses for bankers

Brown says banks will not be able to make the mistakes that made them fail again

Cameron lashes back, saying that Labour let it happen, while saying the Consevatives will  be more responsible.
Cameron taunts Clegg that he is leaning towards the Euro - very unpopular- but Clegg retorts that he will make any plans for a change in policy very clear, and only if it benefits the Economy.

Fourth Question -UK Manufacturing

Clegg wants Banks to lend again: Banks = Business. He wants to encourage green manufacturing in the UK

Brown wants to encourage Hi-Tech manufacturing, and also wants lending to start again. He's also wants super fast broadband for the UK - very popular choice with the techies!

Cameron wants lower taxes for new businesses, and says that Labour has hollow promises (

Uh Oh! Cameron is losing his voice! Seems to catch it again in the next few questions though.

I think Clegg was the leader in this question

Fifth Question - Immigration + and start serving us and not ignoring us!

Brown wants an increase of jobs for trained brits and less untrained immigrants. I liked the way he approached this sensitive topic.

Cameron talks about the high number of immigrants; he wants to lower 100,000 to 10,000. Cam understands how immigrants stregthen our society

Clegg says immigration is unorganized - he wants more border police. Clegg wants more honesty - its getting very heated between Cameron and Clegg on immigration reality here. Cmon Gordon, get stuck in!

Good question and arguement here, but o-ones really tackling the second part of this question.

These podiams are unstable - bad work BBC!

Sixth Question -Help for family housing

Cameron wants more houses to be built, and the use of part rent-part mortgage to help families up the housing ladder
Clegg wants abandoned homes to be rennovated and multi-use council flats
Brown also wants the council to have more power to build new houses

Lots of bashing of the Lib Dem manifesto here - owwie

I think Clegg did a good arguement for this question

Seventh Question -Benefits

I found this arguement very intersting

Clegg wants more encouragement for people to work
Brown says NO DOLL - :O - unemployed under 25s for extra training
incapicitated back to work

Final Question - School leavers equality

Ugh, stop sucking up to teachers Cameron
You to, Gordon
Clegg didnt suck up, so now he looks bad :P
Stop going on about your no-tax-on-first-10,000!

Cameron - dicipline system flawed, Brown has nothing positive left to say - owwie!

Final Statements

Cameron -  loves Britain, needs a government with right values to do great things. The protection of the most vunerable is very important. He will take country in right direction

Clegg -  Wants a fairer Britain. Dont be scared to vote Lib - Dem (Tory hung parliament threats). GARUNTEE change through fairness

Brown - More bashing of others in his final statement. Too risky to put others in charge.

If you think I made it all up, watch the whole debate here

Thanks for reading, and well done for making it this far.

Pictures thanks to Wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. it was cool. no suggestion, but more cooool colours!! and no, sorry, i dont think i really like salsa. hahaha Rachel.


What do you think? Any Suggestions? Do you like Salsa?