Monday 8 June 2009

Today on LK Blog: Brown Hangs on like Sticky Poop while BNP gains Foothold in Politics

Poor Mr.Gordon Brown. He really dosen't deserve the crap he gets. I mean common; the economy and expenses scandal aren't his falt. Poor Guy. Labour are going to get smashed in the next election (as they were in the European ones), that is, if Brown calls for one. He dosent have to. Chill Pill. The Lib Dems and Green Party have perked up, though, especially the Tories, as they might actually have a chance in winning somethimg when the Ballot-Box-Fun-Time comes, as it assuredly will. Imagine that, Prime Minister Cameron. I actually physically shuddered just then.
Mean while, the BNP have gained 2 seats in the European Elections. Why? Maybe because people just want a change and are fooled by the Racist's 'Good Guy' masks, maybe people just couldn't be bothered to raise a finger to stop the them because they were to busy reading about MPs Duck Islands in The Telegraph, or maybe their are just a heck load of racist Somerset Farmers out their. Maybe.
Comon, People! dont let these Racists get a foothold in our political system! They are Nazi's inside!

On a lighter side, Fail of the Day

Fail of the Day

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