Saturday 6 February 2010

Today on LK Blog: LK Blog Questions the Voting Age.

Welcome back to the rose-smelling pastures of LK Blog, readers. It's nice to have you all back.

As we all know, poltics in this country has gone to the dogs in recent years. The break-down of the economy, the expenses scandal, blow after blow after blow has shaken our already thin trust of the powers that be to an almost non-existant level.
To put it simply; people just don't care anymore. Every politican out there is an unscurpulus, lying bastard and the ones that aren't are ignored and forgotten. Nobody gives a damn whether it's David Cameron or Nick Griffin, because, in the end, they're all the same.
Well, don't get me started on the BNP again.
But this is what I'm trying to say.

Give kids the vote.

More after the jump

The current legal voting age in the UK is 18. Why not lower it 13.
What's that you say? Kids don't know anything? I beg to differ. What with all the scare-mongering you shove down our throats at school; such as Global Warming, the imminent shortage of oil and countless, countless wars, the majority of us probably know more about what's good for the world than you do. Afterall, we're the ones stuck with this mess of a planet after you wave cheerio. And then there's the argument about the less intelligent of us who will vote for the first person they see. Well guess what, I bet there are exactly the same proportion in the adult population that are the same, if not more.
Give us a say. Let us choose what happens and what dosen't. Enable us to do something good, something meaningful in the world for once.
It's time for another, new, democratic revoultion, if not evolution.

But, of course, this will never happen. The fat cats will bend down, nod their heads and smile in faux 'understandment' at the cute little kiddies.

Afterall, we know nothing.


What do you think? Any Suggestions? Do you like Salsa?