Tuesday 5 May 2009

Today on LK Blog: UK swallows risk of political incorrectness and publishes Exclusion List

The UK Government today released its UK exclusion list, barring dodgy types like extremist Muslim preachers and an ex-Klu Klux Klan grand wizard from America sneaking into Her Majesty's realm and, well, provoking violence and scaring the be-jesus out of us.

It's good that Britain has finally stuck up for itself and said 'No. You can't come here. Go someplace else' instead of shrinking into it's shell on the fear of angering muslims.
Please, don't get me wrong, I think it's a shame that a tiny population of extremists has spoiled Islam's image, as Muslims are good, law abiding, hard working people like everyone else.
It's just that Muslims scare the pee-pee out of the Government, making it make rules like 'Dont fly the St.Georges flag '. Im sorry. This is England. If you have a problem with it being England, tough.

I realise what I have said may be controversial, so please write your views in the comments section.

Youtube of the Day

Fail of the Day

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, controversial! But a point indeed.


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