Thursday 21 May 2009

Today on LK Blog: Gurkhas come to stay, Oldie Climbs Highest Peak in World, Chelsea is Bloomin' Brilliant and LK Blog gets Green.

Yep, the Gurkhas have finally earned the place of residency here in the UK, after much help from actress Joanna Lumley (Mrs.Poshy Lady, if you remember) who campaigned in Parliament for the right for Gurkhas who retired before 1997 to stay in the UK. Huzzah.

Next on the list is Sir Ranulph Fiennes, the oldest man to climb Everest at 65. Jes, someone of this age should be sitting on park benches watching the pigeons, or listining to BBC Radio 4, not climbing a brutal mountain in one of the most dangerous alpine areas in the world. Ah well, let him have his fun.

Also, The RHS Chelsea Flower Show was is in fall swing this week, featuring a rather unusaul entry from Top Gear's James May, contributing a garden completley made out of Plastecine flowere and shrubs. Wowza. Check it out here.

And Finally, what do you think of the new Green LK Blog? No, we haven't gone eco-friendly, it's the appearance, numnuts. It hasn't changed much apart from a nice new template, but check out the new feed-adder, This Day in History and Poll on the side-bar. Trying to see if I can get a Forum, but I think thats more of a website thing than a blog thing (Ill try and get a chat box, though). So, what do you want? More games? a Life? Nah, only kidding. LK Blog is your life.
As always; please send in any comments or contributions to . Still hopefull.

Youtube of the Day

Fail of the Day

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