Wednesday 25 November 2009

Today on LK Blog: LK Blog wishes it could be Christmas every day, when the Kids start singing and the LK Blog Band begins to Play.

That's right LK Bloggers, you heard it hear first, LK Blog is making a Christmas Album!


The Talented musicians will include myself, LK, on Brass, Dr.Fuzz on Sax/Key Board, Jimmy on Guitar and Mr.Hamboner, or Fleet Admiral Hamby. There will also be a booklet where we spoof the greatest album covers of all time, including The Beatles and Queen. (Hopefully) It should be out about the beginning of December.
It's gonna be one helluva ride!

While you wait in anticipation, why not check out It's a Blog where my good friend Theo has set out to review each and every one of his game collection, every day at 4:30. Pretty good, huh?
Take a look, the writing is fantastic.

Fail of the Day


  1. fox news on its own is a fail

  2. Dr fuzz agrees with jimmy.
    But wonders why he is'nt also listed under guitar.....

    (also, the album may take longer than a day to finish... maybe if it was an 'EP' rather than an album....:P)


What do you think? Any Suggestions? Do you like Salsa?