Wednesday 2 September 2009

Today on LK Blog: Anniversary of Outbreak of Second World War Tommorow, LK Blog Welcomes New Contributors (Finally!), and The Votes are in!

Hello, LK Bloggers, how are you all today?

If you have been following LK Blog on Facebook (Which of course you have), You will know that the Blog has recently welcomed TWO new Contributors, DM (aka. Dr.Fuzz, our Musical Contributor) and JR have both agreed to write about a plethora of subjects for us; including reviews, columns and much much more. How splendid. Why not follow suit?

Tommorow marks the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of WWII, when Germany, under the Nazi's rule, and under Hitler's command, decided to have a pop at Poland. Understandably, Britain was pretty pissed at that, so reacted by dropping leaflets from planes at the Nazis. When the great pen of British literature failed to fell Hitler's Forces, Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister at the time, uttered this famous speech

Finally, the results are in for the 'of the day' Election, and, mon dieu! what a turn out! 2 total votes! that really is quite a result for the mamouth list of readers that has climbed to about four. Ah well, Ill just feature all of them in the next few posts, eh? Bloody hell.

Right, whats top of the list?

Of the Day round up #1


...and the regulars
Youtube of the Day

Fail of the Day

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