Saturday 8 August 2009

Today on LK Blog: Back from LK Blog Vacation, Red Nosed and Slightly more Deppressed than it was before.

Good Day to you, LK Blogger!

Looking back over the last, what, 30 LK Blog posts (OMG), I think it's about time to dredge up ALL of the 'of the day's that you have seen on LK Blog, and decide which ones you want to make a comeback. There will also be some new 'of the day's as well...

So, without further ado, BEHOLD, the History of LK Blog's (not quite) PATENTED 'of the day's.

  • (Fail of the Day - Watch Youtubes or see pics of FAILS)

  • (Youtube of the Day - Funny/Interesting Videos from Youtube)

  • WTF is THAT? (of the day) - WTF moments captured

  • Rant of the Day - Listen to nutters rant from all parts of cyberspace, then read my verdict


  • Hear all About it (of the Day) - Songs or Podcasts that you have to listen to
  • FML of the Day - Short stories of things going wrong for people, visit the website
  • Bullsh*t of the Day - Read the bullsh*t foundings of many different things.prepare to LOL
  • User Content of the Day - I wish

What do you want? Please Comment!

Music Maestro of the Day

Lovely Guitar music from none other than our very own Dr.Fuzz, Bravo!

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